

After testing the computer one of the four tests:576p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p
(the name comes from the tests resolution, but tests also differ in other parameters like anti-aliasing, post processing or shadow maps) you obtain, as in other programs of this type, not only digital result, but also what is new, a badge indicating the power of computer:

Catzilla Benchmark notebook certification badgeCatzilla Benchmark desktop certification badge

Each badge can have one, two or three stars so we can get total 12 levels of computer power .
Graphic marking is crucial for people who do not know technical nuances, but who want to compare their results with other users.

Badges will eventually systematise PC and games market.

Ultimately, we gonna to introduce a standard, so when you see the sticker on the game box, you don't have to look for the hardware requirements or to know parameters of your PC.


catzilla benchmark game battlfield 4

It will be a great help for users, because most of them do not know their computer parameters and where the information can be found.
Seeing on the game box "minimum requirements: GeForce GTX 650" you don't need to know if yourgraphic card e.g. "GeForce GT650M" is sufficient for a smooth running game or it isn't.
With our badges you will know that having computer, for example, with Tiger one star you cannot run the game marked higher badge (e.g. Catzilla), but you can run all the games with a lower badge (e.g. Cat).
The same badges (certificates) we want to introduce working with the manufacturers of computer components and computers.
You will not have to be familiar with graphics cards to choose a good one - just take the graphic marked Catzilla, which for sure is high-performance graphics.


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